An ergonomic sit-stand desk for the working from home situation

Working from home is probably here to stay. When the pandemic is over many employers and employees will have come to the conclusion that working from home has it’s advantages. It saves on expensive office space and the poluting commute time for instance.

The office will not disappear but it will be transformed to meet new needs, accommodate fewer people, and respond to the demands of the workers. People want to see their office change to have more relaxation areas for socialising with colleagues, better technology solutions for meetings/ desk bookings and more collaborative space.

Although the pandemic has highlighted the negative impact of isolation on our wellbeing, home working is here to stay and with the new HomeFit© working from home solution, it doesn’t have to have a negative impact on our physical health either.

Sit- stand desk for the home

At home as well as in the office, it is important to work in alternating sitting and standing postures. Most kitchen tables don’t allow this to happen.

If you have the luxury of a separate study or spacious home office, you would probably choose an adjustable desk and an ergonomicnt office chair, but not everyone has the space for a dedicated home office.

Therefore, McKellar Office Furniture Glasgow introduces the HomeFit© sit-stand desk specifically designed for the working from home situation!

With a width of only 105 cm and a depth of 30 cm, HomeFit© is no bigger than a shoe cabinet or a large suitcase. The unique design and many colour options will guarantee that HomeFit© blends seamlessly into any living room.

For more specifications check the website of our parent company Amos Beech: